You belong!
As a Christian Montessori teacher you often get the feeling that “You don’t belong!” When you go to Montessori conferences so much of what is shared has no basis in your Christian experience. And when you go to Christian meetings you have to define, declare and defend the wonderful truth you know about Christian Montessori.
So this is why you need to attend the International Christian Montessori Conference January 12-14 in San Antonio – because YOU belong. You don’t have to defend or be offended because YOU are home with the family that shares your faith, your values, your experience and your passion.
The conference is a celebration honoring He who gave the inspiration to Dr. Montessori. You will find the conference half summer camp, half learning seminar, half family counseling, half reunion (with brothers and sisters you’ve just met) How many halves is that? And it is like that for three great days of being blessed, being a blessing, being renewed, being encouraged and being so grateful for where God has lead you.
Someone from every school needs to come and be so blessed that when you return to your school the glory of God will be so transforming that your school (and YOU) will never be the same again.
It is expensive to come. Registration, travel, hotel all are a major investment. I have been where you are (running a school for 29 years) always looking at budgets and often shaking my head while saying “We can’t afford it.” I have to challenge you to attend. Facts may say, “I can’t afford it.” But what doses Faith say? “OK God. HOW can I afford it?” There are five months until the conference. Can God move? Can God provide? Of course, He can. But He doesn’t if we only look at facts and not to Him.
We need you to attend. The Christian Montessori Fellowship is made up of people just like you. People who God gave a vision to; who scrapped and scraped to get your school started, who prayed (most often desperately) over every payday, rent or utility bill. Your need to come and share that faith and those experiences with those who may be going through the same valleys you’ve crossed (and maybe are still crossing.)
The Christian Montessori Fellowship exists to proclaim the Gospel using Christian Montessori education and it exists as a fellowship for we are co-laborers together in this great and unique journey.
Make the commitment in your heart and mind to attend – because we need each other – and let God respond to your faith. Each of our schools is an outpost of God’s love and transforming power. When we come together, when we work together we can strengthen our schools and help start many new schools.
Details of the conference:
Dates: January 12-14th, 2018
Where: San Antonio, TX
Hotel: Menger Hotel (right across from the Alamo)
204 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, TX 78205
Hotel Cost: $162.28 per night (including tax)
There are double doubles available to share and reduce costs.
Room rates are guaranteed until Friday December 15th, 2017.
Direct link to Hotel:
Group code: 01118CHRIS
Conference cost: $425 Regular registration $350 Early Registration if paid by Sept 30th $325 Early registration for CMF members Conference includes 3 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches and Saturday banquet.
Friday night we go Dutch for Mexican food.
Schedule: We start Friday morning at 7:15 with breakfast.
We end Sunday at noon.
Sample topics: “Spiritual” Practical Life for Christian Montessori teachers
Fostering resiliency and a sense of optimism in the Montessori Environment
Biblical concept to the fundamental needs of Humans
No Drama Discipline
Breaking out to build the Kingdom – beyond Jabez
And More ……..
Please join the family and worship Him!