Welcome to the family! (Part Two)
In the early days of the Christian Montessori Fellowship when we contacted a Christian Montessori school the response was often, “I thought we were the only one.”
There is great joy in finding family, connecting and bonding with new brothers and sisters and cousins. (It is amazing when you go to family reunions how often cousins look alike.) The Christian Montessori Fellowship is that kind of family reunion – finding people who look like you, act like you, have the same values as you and have the same vision.
So, who IS the Christian Montessori Fellowship? YOU are!
Surprise! (And congratulations.)
You are part of God’s plan for Christian Montessori to bless the world.
Every school, every teacher is vital to what God wants for His children.
How does the world find out about Christian Montessori? Because of you.
Why would the world want Christian Montessori? Because of you.
And, how do your children hear about Jesus? Because of you.
When we fellowship together we encourage each other and we strengthen our programs.
The stronger our programs the better is our witness.
The Fellowship is dedicated to training CHRISTIAN Montessori teachers to staff your classrooms, to expand your schools and to help start new schools so more children will hear the Gospel.
You are a key that God is using to evangelize the world with Christian Montessori education.
There are two things we can share as a family
Share the Unique times of fellowship and learning at the international conference each January, where you meet people, family actually, who share your mission and are there to encourage you.
And share in training that explores the spiritual depths of what God breathed into Dr. Montessori as He revealed these amazing truths to her.
New Training courses for preschool and elementary teachers start in September.
There is information on the website: www.chritianmontessorifellowship.com
The mountains that we have to navigate between now and September may seem overwhelming but September will come and so will the new school year. Making plans for the future when you can’t see your way past today is a hallmark of faith by speaking words of faith into our present winds of adversity.
God bless you and welcome to the family.