About Us: Mission focused
The Christian Montessori Fellowship is a core group of educators who are growing! Growing schools, growing community, and growing in Christ. We provide training, materials and resources to help your school flourish.
We also support, encourage, and pray for one another at the annual conference and other seminars, and connect on Facebook and in person. Join us and be part of this very special community!

Resources and community
As a member of the Christian Montessori Fellowship, you are part of a community of educators and school leaders who are after God's own heart.
You also have access to hundreds of training videos, books and audio plus discounts on services and supplies to help you build your school, students and community.

Training and Conferences
Expert education and guidance
With Training Centers being developed and/or already established in both El Salvador and the United States we are well placed to meet your needs. A comprehensive course delivered by leaders in their field. Our Training is ideal preparation for the Montessori Guides.
Sign up now!
Our annual Conference is a popular time to meet up face to face and share in the blessings of each other’s company, experience, tools and ideas. Open to teachers, school leadership and others, the annual Christian Montessori Fellowship conference is where you get hands-on training, connect with school leaders and individuals, and gain deeper insight into God's heart for this special learning opportunity.
Don’t miss it!

24165 IH 10 West Ste. 217 – 117
San Antonio, TX 78257