New Year's "Revolutions"
It is time for “Revolutions” not resolutions.
Political revolutions are usually sparked by some small insignificant action. Peaceful revolutions also are sparked by small actions. The industrial revolution did not start off to revolutionize but to effect some small change in daily life. Trains sparked a revolution. Henry Ford helped spark another revolution in transportation as did the Wright brothers. All these revolutions started long before most of us were born. But we are now living in the revolutions of computers, internet, cell phones, medicine, commerce and culture that begin to change everything.
You are a “revolutionary” educator – peacefully overturning millenniums of education. Political revolutions are fueled by power. Economic revolutions are fueled by profit. Educational revolutions are fueled by idealism and Christian revolutions are fueled by love.
Christian Montessori is an ideal drawn from God’s own heart. A complete transformation of both student and teacher just as God intends. A Montessori education without Christ is good for “time”. A Montessori education with Christ is good for eternity. Wherever your school is located it is an outpost, a lighthouse, a beacon – a reality of what can be. It is an idealistic vision (but very real) of what education can be.
The Christian Montessori Fellowship (CMF) exists to encourage, network, train and offer support to the great work you are doing. The fellowship offers conferences, seminars, books, training, newsletters and parent education support. You are not alone in your journey.
We invite you to join the fellowship to help you be the best school possible. But we also invite you to join the fellowship to help fund and support a Christian Montessori revolution all over the world. This revolution for CMF continues in El Salvador – the country named for Our Savior. El Salvador is small but the doors are being opened with the Ministry of Education, other governmental agencies that work with children, non-profit organizations, factories and schools.
When Christian Montessori succeeds in this small country the results will be amazing. It will become not only a model for what is to come but living proof – to the whole world – that Christian Montessori is the revolutionary education that can transform the hearts and minds of children and adults. This will be idealism that really works.
Please join and support this revolution. Here are seven ways:
Take a membership in CMF. $35 Membership includes an index to 14 years of newsletters that are a treasure of encouragement and wisdom; a directory of Christian Montessori schools (so you know that you are not the only one.) Discounts to seminars and conferences.
Make a donation to the work of Christian Montessori.
Sign up to be a monthly supporter: $10, $25, $50, $100 or more. This allows for planning and implementation of strategies and goals.
Partner to support sister schools as they are developed.
Attend the International Christian Montessori conference to be refreshed and inspired. San Antonio, TX January 13 – 15, 2017
Support the accreditation of Christian Montessori. This is a major project that requires, not only funds, but time and energy to bring it about. A necessary step in our work with governments and non-profits.
open doors, pray for energy, pray for wisdom, pray for finances. Pray!Pray. Pray for open doors, pray for energy, pray for wisdom, pray for finances. Pray!
Memberships are available at Donations also may be made through the same website or sent to Christian Montessori Fellowship 24165 IH 10 W. Ste. 217-117 San Antonio, TX 78257 210-698-1911.
Dr. Montessori told her biographer, on numerous occasions, that she felt that God had given her this method in order to advance the kingdom of God. Help us advance this “revolution” of love. God bless.
Barbara and Edward Fidellow San Salvador, El Salvador